Commonly referred to as “Watty,” Spence began flying sport kites in 2005, at the age of 13. Now in his 20s, Watty is a well known Revolution kite flyer with his signature Red and Black kites.
After flying for two years, Watty began flying indoors, and soon became one of the most prominent indoor kite flyers. Until 2011, Watty had flown exclusively on Revolution kites, when he began picking up John Barresi’s Kymera, from Into the Wind.
In 2009, Watty created a series of indoor and outdoor Revolution Tutorials named “Windless With Watty” and “Windy With Watty,” respectively. These tutorials helped spur the wave of kite flying workshops, and comprehensive video tutorials found today. Because of this series of tutorials, Watty was brought on-board as a guest instructor at the 2nd Annual West Coast Rev Clinic, and has appeared as an instructor annually.
In 2011, Watty moved to Vancouver, WA to attend school at Washington State University, and began appearing at events around the world, including Swift Current, SK Canada, Antelope Island, UT USA, and Singapore. Watty also attended his first AKA Grand Nationals and placed first in Experienced Multi-line Ballet.
After spending a year in kiting territory, and palling around with the iQuad crew, Watty co-founded the indoor kite team FlyForm along with iQuad members John and TK Barresi in 2012, and became an alternate member of iQuad several months later.
In 2012, Watty joined with John Barresi and David Hathaway as the Managing Editor of Kitelife Magazine. Watty has been a driving force behind archiving the fourteen years worth of content, as well as aiding in the web services side of Kitelife.