8-person performance in Lincoln City, OR.
Quite probably our first ever 6-person demo!
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One of our first videos, this footage was taken within the first 4 months of our formation… Borrowing from what we learned on the line with Stephen Hoath at the 2006 World Sport Kite Championships, we were literally learning to team fly as we were teaching it to others during the week of WSIKF… Note the original logo which changed before the end of the year.
This same event, another tall skinny dude made an appearance from Victoria (BC), he could fly the heck out of an SLE and never left our side – the infamous “mutant”, Steve de Rooy… Together with the rest of the gang, we earned the “WSIKF People’ Choice” award from both spectators and our fellow fliers.
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This was our first ballet music, and the first time we appeared with a full 8-person team – this video was taken at the 2007 Lincoln City Fall Festival… Members at that time were John Barresi, Steve de Rooy, Todd Rudolph, Egan Davis, JD Fabich, Justin Redington, Carl Bragiel and David Hathaway.