Photos by Chuck Wiley:
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Photos by Chuck Wiley:
Photos by
What a great day at Delta Park!
A bunch of folks came out for this one including Dave Bradley (aka “glider”), Lyla, Wayne Dowler (aka “stroke victim”), Chuck Wiley (“chuckw”), Jeremy (“jeremyf”), Sherrill, Phil Burks and Ken Walker (“FlyinKen”), plus Mike Tracy (“visual9000”) and Walt Ellis (“RS67Man”) came down from near Tacoma while Spence Watson (“Watty”) came over from his new home in Vancouver WA, Bazzer, TK and myself represented iQuad.
We got totally rained out in 2009 and 2010 but while it was cold again this year, it wasn’t wet and we had a big frozen puddle in the middle of the field… Big enough that we could do some wicked team slides across it.
January 8-10, 2008
iQuad set up in the Kitelife booth at the trade show just to check out the business side of the kite industry and help in the Revolution booth.
As it turned out, our presence was well-timed as we were voted in for both “Best New Kite” (B-Series) and “Best Retail Promotional Effort” in 2007 from the KTAI membership… The latter one is pretty funny and unique, although it may appear so, because we don’t exactly promote a kite per se. We just LOVE to fly Revolutions and that carries over… Regardless, it’s quite a milestone because this was the first time a non-business entity had ever received the award.
We went out for a fly one afternoon and along with a little rain, were presented with an absolutely stunning rainbow as captured by Bell Chiu’s photos below.