WSIKF – Long Beach, WA

Our first run at a true North American mega fly in which we topped out at 50 kites in actual formation, and as many as 64 in the sky simultaneously… Not enough to beat the previous record of 54 set in Bristol (UK), 2008. Lots of Rev fliers came from all over the continent to be a part of this, and the average skill level jumped way up across the board.

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WSIKF – Long Beach, WA

Our 2nd WSIKF…

[pro-player width=’580′ height=’450′ type=’video’],,,,[/pro-player]

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2010 WSIKF

A lot of good footage came out of WSIKF in 2010… The mega flies, team demos, featured individuals flying, even a spot of night flying!

And indeed, thanks to the attendance of fliers from all over North America and the UK (Flying Squad and Decorators), a new world record of 64 kites was set near the end of the week.

[pro-player width=’580′ height=’450′ type=’video’],,,,,,,[/pro-player]

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WSIKF – Long Beach, WA

August 20-25, 2007

Our return to WSIKF, a little more experience under our belts…

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WSIKF – Long Beach, WA

August 23-27, 2006 – Our first “full blown” event with more than four members… John Barresi, Todd Rudolph, Egan Davis, Justin Redington, and David Hathaway.

JD Fabich, Carl Bragiel and Cal Yuen joined our ranks, we conducted our first official American mega fly, and the “mutant” Steve de Rooy made his first appearance with iQuad.

It was a great event, learning as fast as we were teaching, and it all culminated in receiving the 2006 WSIKF “People’s Choice” award!

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Cut’n de Mist – Long Beach, WA

One of our first videos, this footage was taken within the first 4 months of our formation… Borrowing from what we learned on the line with Stephen Hoath at the 2006 World Sport Kite Championships, we were literally learning to team fly as we were teaching it to others during the week of WSIKF… Note the original logo which changed before the end of the year.

This same event, another tall skinny dude made an appearance from Victoria (BC), he could fly the heck out of an SLE and never left our side – the infamous “mutant”, Steve de Rooy… Together with the rest of the gang, we earned the “WSIKF People’ Choice” award from both spectators and our fellow fliers.

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